Friday, February 19, 2010

Friendly Conversation

Adam: What's wrong babe?

Me: She stopped talking to me.

Adam: What did you do to her?

Me: Nothing!! Nothing at all. Why would you assume I did something?

Adam: She never stops talking to me.

Me: I don't think she's ever going to talk to me again.

Adam: I think sometimes you hurt her feelings. You need to know how to handle her.

Me: She drives me crazy sometimes.

Adam: I wouldn't want to talk to you if you treated me that way sometimes either.

Me: I am nothing but nice to her.

Adam: Well, I really hope you guys can work it out. You know I love that girl, and if she doesn't ever talk to ME again, I am going to be pretty upset. I mean I don't know if I could live without her.

Me: Are you sleeping with her?
An ENTIRE conversation about the English speaking woman on our navigation system in the car.

We road tripped it with Adam yesterday to Greenville. We had this dreamy idea that we would get a hotel, take Aidan to run around ECU's campus, stop at every new county sign?? and take pictures. It ended up Adam got all his work done early so we just drove there and came home a few hours later. If anything, it was an incredible marriage tester that we made it through and Aidan finally pooped after three days of not. It was a grand time.

1 comment:

  1. Mine has male voice with an Australian accent and I call him "Hugh." I love him...

    (He doesn't ever stop talking to me, though sometimes he talks to me in a chipmunk voice when he gets tried!)
