Monday, January 18, 2010

Project Mode

So I am in project mode. Well a third project mode. The first project was Aidan's room and that still isn't complete. Oops. Then there was the dining room. CHECK! At least that is done. Now, I am on to the kitchen! SCAAARRYYY. I have decided one thing. Well two things. The first being the color must be green. The second being I need new things to hang on the walls/window treatments! I know this sounds silly, but I feel like I want to make our house more "adult". That's a theme I made up. When I moved in here, I was single, and I decorated around my life at that time. As years have gone by, I've outgrown things and it's time for some changes. Here are some things I am working on: (Sorry for the pics via my Blackberry)

Window Treatment Options:
Number 1

Number 2

I bought this sign at Hobby Lobby to hang over the electric box. Ha! It hangs from a rust colored ribbon. I think I will change it out with a thick black satin one.

And Paint Colors. The big white strip at the bottom is where I decided to prime the wall so I could see the color better. We are leaning towards the color on the very bottom right.

I need a little help. If anyone has any good suggestions for green paint let me know please!! I am still not 100% sold on this color! Have a Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Never commented, might be too late. I like the green on the far right. Let the record show...
