Monday, January 25, 2010

How Aidan got his name....

I needed something new to blog about so I thought it would be cool to tell my readers things they probably don't already know. So maybe every week I will tell you something new about us/me. This week you get to hear the story of how Aidan became Aidan.

Truth be told there is little to tell. The moment I discovered I was pregnant (that fateful October night...right girls?) I knew it was a boy. I didn't dream it was a boy, I wasn't drawn to blue, I just knew it was a boy. One day, I just started saying Aidan instead of baby. Adam and I were in bed one night and he said "so Aidan it is huh?" and I replied "Well I like that name a lot, what do you think of it" and his response was "Well you have been calling the baby that for a long time now I wouldn't want it to be confused. You just better hope if it's a girl, she doesn't mind having a boy's name". Aidan was named. We found out the sex (which we already knew) and Aidan was permanent. Luckily, our entire family loved the name as well. I was out with my parents one day and my dad said to me "What's his middle name going to be?" and I said "well we have decided on William, after you dad." A long pause. "I have one request since the kid is being named after me." I am thinking to myself oh jeese what is he going to say. "Can you spell his name A I D A N that's how we Irish spell it." Done daddy. So Aidan William it was. From that point on everything made it's way to the monogram shop. Haha! I never second guessed the name once and it fits him perfectly. We never get tired of saying it. It means "Little Fire" and well that about sums him up. Hahahahaha. So now you know....

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