Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving has officially begun

The in laws have been here since Friday and we are having a great time! My mother and law and I had a few projects we wanted to work on so we headed to the fabric store and purchased the fabric we wanted to use to make Aidan's throw pillows for his new big boy bed. I cannot wait for them to be done...I'll post pics at the end of the week. We grocery shopped for our meal and tonight the cooking has begun. We are having a big ole' southern Thanksgiving meal. Here's the menu:

Honey Baked Ham
Chicken & Dumplings
Sweet Potato Casserole
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Green Bean Casserole
Macaroni & Cheese
Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie

Yum!! I cannot wait. I still have to iron my monogrammed dinner napkins and place mats. I found the best artificial pumpkins at Wal Mart last night (while I was there buying a new microwave) on clearance for a buck. They are exactly what I wanted from Pottery Barn but with a MUCH BETTER PRICE TAG. I ended up being thrilled with my centerpiece. I have all my holiday candles ready to go so just in case the food doesn't get this place smelling good enough I will be prepared. I highly doubt that will be a problem. The whole fam is snuggled up on the sofa now watching TV but I better get off of here and get a good night sleep. I have to be extremely domestic tomorrow. HAHAHA. Happy Tuesday Everyone!!! xoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Holy that's a lot of food!! Y'all have a great day-- Happy Thanksgiving!
