Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursdays!!! I know I was a little whiny yesterday...but I am still incredibly THANKFUL for a lot of these

1. Adam already has two new job offers and his boss called from his last job and wanted to know why he wasn't there (well because Kevin gave me the boot). Long story short...the lost job may not be lost after all. **Side note. I absolutely love getting to spend this time with Adam when he would otherwise be at work. He is the BEST HUSBAND and I am so proud to be his wife.

2. Aidan's funny new sentences like "mowa sheesh" more cheese ; "yes pease mama" (yes please mama) ; "bye nana, bye papa (grandpa), bye house" (when leaving from there the other night); and when I said to him today "Aidan do you like your new big boy bed ?"...he replied "No Way Mama". He is too cute.

3. I am thankful for my hubby who picked up the fruit tray I ordered from Harris Teeter and took it to Thanksgiving at Aidan's school and because he told me I was a great mom because the other mom who signed up for another fruit tray forgot hers. (I know that will be me some day).

4. Kathy Harvey. My MIL. She is going to make her sweet potato casserole for me on Saturday to "taste test" for Thanksgiving because she knows I have had a bad week and that I LOVE LOVE LOVE her sweet potato casserole.

5. Garden Ridge. They had the round rug I was dreaming of for my kitchen floor AND at a great price.

Happy Thursday Everybody!!! Next week is Thanksgiving!!! Cannot wait!!! xoxoxoxo

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