Well, we are at day seven of our two week Women's Marriage Ministry project. We took the weekend off so that some people to catch up, but here is a little recap of what's been going on:
Friday our exercise was to feel our hubby's muscles. I am cracking up as I am typing this. Sounds funny right? Well, the point is, to remind our husbands that they are strong. I won't go in to detail about how this went down because if Adam ever reads this, I don't want him to be upset that I share every personal conversation we have. BUT, he knows, I think he is strong and has nice muscles.
Last night, we were supposed to ask our husbands what they wanted to do for the evening. Something that was all about them. Our routine at night is pretty much the same because Adam works so late, but Mondays are his days off so last night was a good night for this exercise. As I had predicted when I asked him what he wanted to do, he said just get in bed and cuddle with Aidan and I and watch a movie. So, we did just that and he was content. After Aidan went to bed, we some great alone time watching TV and talking about life. Typical for us, but that's what he wanted to do.
Tonight, we are supposed to leave a note for our husbands that says "Thank you for wanting to work hard for our family. Your desire & commitment makes me feel secure". You know, in our own words. This is right up my alley. I love doing stuff like this for Adam. The note is already written and I will put it in his car for him to read on the way to work in the morning.
I am still greeting him at the door every night and he is still LOVING it. He still acts surprised to see me every night when he walks through the door. I think for a day or two he thought I was doing it because he was in trouble or I wanted something. It was pretty funny. Now I think he is finally starting to see that I am just happy he is home.
It's not too late to jump on board and start the 14 day challenge on your own. It's a lot of fun!!! Check it out...www.womensmarriageministry.blogspot.com.
I am so far behind on your blog!! Lots of catching up to do... Hydroplaning, trick-or-treating, marriage ministry! Hope all is well in Charlotte!