Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy Fall Ya'll

This week is Kelly's Korner: Show Us your Life - Fall Decorations! . I had planned on doing a post of all my fall decorations about a week ago but came down with a stomach bug. Well I should have done it then because since then , my mom has come over and cleaned me out of all my fall decorations for a dinner party she had last Saturday night. I figured what the heck, I'll let you see what's left around here. Ha!!! For me decorating for the holidays has a lot to do with seasonal smelling candles!!!

Our Halloween Garden Flag

My mums. I am not really even a fan of mums, but I really liked these.
I was super lazy this year, and didn't even transplant them into my own pots. They came in these!
The sign on our front door. I think I paid $5 for this one year at Hobby Lobby.

I bought two of these pumpkin spice candles last week and they smell so nice, I put one in our bedroom and one in the living room!

One of my Turkey dishtowels.

This poor, sad mum. It was a gift and just doesn't look like she's going make it.

This vampire was my mom's but when I bought my own house, she passed it on to me (Gee thanks mom!) Aidan is terrified of it, so it is usually by the front door but he is currently just sitting in this chair in the corner of our dining room. He talks and his eyes light up red. It is shocking when you aren't expecting it.

Another Pumpkin Spice candle. I love the "H" on them!

This candle and little pumpkin are on our TV cabinet in the living room.

Although we have not bought our pumpkins yet, these are last years pumpkins. Every year I carve our name in to a pumpkin and then do some kind of face on the others. Adam is strictly in charge of cleaning them out and baking the pumpkin seeds for snacks! Yummy!!!

I really loved looking at every one's decorations and I've already started buying some more things to decorate for Thanksgiving dinner and next year!!! Thanks for stopping by and Happy Fall Ya'll!!!

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