I should go ahead and give my blog friends some history on Adam and I before I go in to my anniversary post.
Adam and I started dating in January of 2006. June of that year, I bought my first house and after the search for a roomate was looking grim, Adam moved in. I was pregnant by early October. Not in the plan. Having grown up in a Catholic family, the fact that I was unmarried and pregnant didn't exactly go over well. It wasn't at that time I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Adam. It was so soon and I wasn't 100% sure. Aidan was born June of 2007 and the first time I saw Adam hold Aidan was when I knew. It was just meant to be. We were so happy and everything made sense. The "new plan" was falling in to place. In August, Adam convinced me to leave Aidan for the first time and took me out to dinner. I was floored when he proposed. I was even more floored to find out my dad had been holding the ring for him since June. Of course I said yes. Over and over and over. At that time, I was designing kitchens but my maternity leave was almost up and I was not looking forward to going back to work. We were planning the wedding for October 12, 2008 but when we realized that I would stay home with Aidan full time and leave my job, we had the dilemma of health insurance. I was carrying Aidan and I's health insurance at my job and wouldn't have been able to get on Adam's plan unless we were married. So, I left my job and when October 12, 2007 rolled around, we made the decision to get married at the courthouse. It was official, I was Mrs. Adam Harvey. It just didn't feel official. Luckily, my parents were on the same page as us, and thought it was only right to stand up in front of all our family and friends and really get married. We kept the same date October 12, 2008 and had the wedding of my dreams. I find myself still thanking my parents for how beautiful it was. That's the story. That's where the two year anniversary comes from. I know there are people that aren't close friends of ours that get confused when I say my two year anniversary is coming up. The not secret is out. On to my anniversary post...
I cannot describe how lucky I feel to be married to my husband every single day. He is the most amazing man I could have ever wished for. He is the biggest giver and most generous provider for Aidan and I. He is honest and loyal. His desire to make me smile everyday is enough for me to love him forever. Except forever won't ever be enough. On our wedding day, Adam really wanted us to write our own vows and say them in front of everyone. I was having terrible anxiety about that, so we decided to write our own vows and just exchange them right before the ceremony. So, on my anniversary day I thought it would be sweet to post my wedding vows to my hubby so he can read them and be reminded of how much I loved him that day and how I love him even more now. Happy Anniversary to my perfect husband. I love you so much baby!
Today, I am going to stand before all of our family and friends and give myself to you. Life before you has no meaning. I wake up everyday and I am so thankful you are the person laying next to me. I cannot promise you our love will always be a fairytale but this is what I can promise you...
I will love you for who you are,
I will always fight for you and for us,
I will be honest,
I will be your shoulder to cry on,
I will be your strength when you don't have your own,
I will always be your biggest fan,
I will pick less fights about your boxers on the bathroom floor,
I will be the greatest mother of our child and future children,
I will take care of you when you are sick or hurt,
I won't let us go to bed mad,
I will always be your partner in crime, your best friend and lover.
I promise to love you unconditionally every day from this day forth...forever.
Love, Your Wife, April
Adam & April~
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary! I just love your blog page, and you really made tears come to my eye's with the beautiful vow that you wrote to my brother...I'm so happy that you two found each other and I love the love that you have for one another too! You sure do make cute kids too!!
Lots of Love~
Mandi & Chris
Happy Anniversary!! I'm a little behind on my blogs-- I'm sorry I missed it!
ReplyDeleteSoooo....how'd you celebrate??