Saturday, October 17, 2009

Atlanta and a Little Project

I am getting up at 3:30 am to head to Atlanta to buy the spring collection for the store tomorrow and it is now 11:22. I think I should probably make this short and sweet and hit the hay. I was just way too excited not to share what I have done!!!! I started on my long list of to dos and managed to come up with a project I didn't even intend on doing in the first place. I am working ever so hard on Aidan's "Big Boy" Room and I cannot seem to find anything I like. The fabric I picked out (twice) is discontinued and so drapes and duvet cover are on hold for the time being. I wanted some really cool new furniture for him and once again couldn't find anything I LOVED or could afford. Yesterday at about 4pm I googled how to make furniture look vintage. After about five minutes of reading, I threw Aidan in the car and headed to Lowe's. $19.67 and 6 hours later. We went from this... (This is not our actual dresser, just one I could find that SORT OF looked like ours because I was too focused to take a before picture. This was the shape and color of ours.)


The flash from my camera is actually making it look a little bit lighter than it actually is. Cute though huh? Adam is so proud. Especially since I was trying to convince him to buy this... (for $1900)
This is all you need...
And this is what I did...
1. Removed drawers and primed them. Then primed the dresser.
2. Put first coat of paint (Olympic Color Poolside) on drawers and then dresser.
3. Fed Aidan dinner. (Trying to go step by step here ha!)
4. Put second coat on drawers and dresser.
5. Ate dinner myself.
6. Took a piece of steel wool and started rubbing all the corners and edges of the drawers.
7. Used Min Wax stain in Dark Walnut and a foam brush. Painted the stain on and quickly wiped it off with an old tshirt. All in the same direction. I think tomorrow when I get home I will probably take a Q-tip and add some stain around the edges and let is sit longer.
8. Followed suit on the dresser.
9. Knobs were the WORST part. Use gloves!!!
10. Husband came home from work in disbelief of how well it looked. Now, I have this great piece of "vintage looking" furniture and an entire room to finish. At least I now know what color the walls are going to be (khaki).
Anyways, if your feeling brave and have some patience, try it out on a piece of furniture that needs a face lift around your house. Everyone enjoy sleeping in on your Sunday. I have to be up VERY soon!!! Thanks for checking in!

Link up your paint projects here!!!


  1. I LOVE it!! Can't wait to see the whole room... Keep us updated!

  2. I adore that Dark Walnut stain. I keep a little can on hand all the time. Your dresser looks just as good as the ridiculously priced one! Good job.

  3. Go you! Walnut stain is the best. Thanks for sharing at the PoPP.
