I have so much going on right now I don't know which end is up. I have taken on this new job and have really fallen in love with the woman that owns it and I am busting by butt for her. My best friend is getting married on Saturday (you know, I know) and I have one million things I am doing for her. Which I don't mind at all, but it's amongst all the other things going on right now. I feel like I should just be focusing on Candace. Here's a little glimpse in to my life right now.
Tuesday-Woke up 8:30, packed Aidan's lunch, took him to school. Came home, did 4 loads of laundry. Showered was at work by noon. Worked until 4. Held sales meeting with employees that run in to my hair appointment that was supposed to be at 4:30. Got out of hair at 6:30. Forgot to pick up Adam's cupcake cake at the bakery so the woman left it for me at the nail shop next door to pick up. Came home picked up the boys ran to get some dinner. Picnic on the living room floor. Time now almost 10pm!!!! Give Aidan a super quick bath, Adam leaves to go help a friend move. I climb in to bed with lap top to do my blog for today and remember I was supposed to measure the drapes in my room to send to my DEAR MIL so she could start on Aidan's. Out of bed again. Aidan out of bed too. Measure drapes. Now almost midnight. Aidan and I get in our bed. He passes out. Adam comes home. We talk about our days. 3am rolls around and we are out.
Today-Wake up 8:00. Shower and get ready for work at 10am. Open the store. Call all of our participants for tomorrow's fashion show. Wash all the floors in boutique and clean the bathroom. Take all the clearance merchandise and pack it up to sell at show. Owner is in jury duty supposed to be done at 2 never shows. NO ONE comes in to the store all day. Work on schedule for the store. Printer breaks can't print schedule. Stressing because there is so much to do for tomorrow's show and new girl we hired is NUTS and stressing me out (like I can feel like break outs and heart palpitations coming on) and she's not even working. Five o'clock rolls around. Nothing has been done for fashion show. Run home to get paper plates, napkins and table signage for Can's nail party at the local Nail Bar. 6pm. Nail appointment with girls. Manicure and pedicure needed badly!!! Store owner calls. Jury duty ran way over! Nails done at 7:30. Take Candace to her car 10 minutes away. Order the boys a pizza and have it sent to the house. Ride uptown to Candace's sister to eat dinner and get brows waxed. Realize I hate twitter and at private conversation I thought I was having with someone earlier in the day has now been seen by the entire Tweeting world. 8:30. Head back to store to pick up petty cash and stickers. Drive to Target. Get all the way to check out and can't find my debit card. Spend 20 minutes digging through purse for it in front of a line of people. Find it in my back pocket. Purchase 100 bottles of water. 10pm. Get home. Best husband ever brings bottled waters in. Remove all the labels from water bottles and put our Peek a Boo Couture stickers on each one. Decide I am going to start working on the 100 seashell lollipops I have to make for Candace's candy bar on Saturday. Realize I don't have enough chocolate and the molds have no place for sticks! AHHH!! Call Candace laughing hysterically. Nothing ever goes my way. Hubby comes and takes over, I cry, he pours me a glass of wine. 11:30. Realize once again have forgotten to send my MIL measurements for Aidan's custom bedding she is doing. Finish off wine and decide I will blog to relieve stress!!! Racking my brain over what I will wear to meet Kate Gosselin tomorrow. I need to be semi cute! Wishing I had 3o minutes to watch Guliana & Bill.
Tomorrow-Getting up at 8am. Shower and get ready for the day. Packing Aidan's lunch. Taking Aidan to school. Stop by Candace's pick up coffee beans and drop off candy jars. At the store by 10 to open. Stuff 100 gift bags for fashion show. Head to show by 11. Check in all girls by 11:30. Place 100 gift bags on chairs in audience. Show starts 12:30. Show hopefully over by 1:30. Headed home. Must take Adam's pants to cleaners to be done by 7pm. Grocery shop for my brother that is so graciously staying with Aidan this weekend while we are at the wedding. Run to the mall to find two summer dresses on clearance for bridesmaids luncheon and rehearsal dinner. Come home. Write out everything Bobby has to do for Aidan. Pack for the weekend. Make sure Adam is packed. Finish lollipops. Go out and buy rectangular vase to put coffee beans and lollipops in. PRAY I will be in bed by midnight because we have to be up Friday to head to the beach for a bridesmaids luncheon at 12:30. Don't even get me started on the schedule for this weekend.
Please excuse me if none of this makes any sense!! Thanks for stopping by! Happy....What day is it again???
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