Friday, August 21, 2009

Kelly's Korner

Kelly's Korner is hosting "Show Us Your Life Fridays" and this week we are doing baby shower ideas. I was lucky enough to have two baby showers when I was pregnant with Aidan. One given by a good family friend and the other by my mother and sister in law. Since Aidan's nursery was a "Twinkle Twinkle" theme, so were the showers. I don't have many pictures to show you, because I did not want to be photographed pregnant. AT ALL. I thought I looked terrible! Some great ideas I picked up from my own showers were...
*The "Clothesline"...this is when you take a bunch of onesies and create a clothesline with them. Mine were hung across the tops of the windows.

*Favor ideas...My sister in law made white chocolate ducks for everyone to take home and our family friend made cinnamon buns (like buns in the oven) and there was a note attached to each one that said she had made a donation to Room at the Inn (a place where single pregnant mothers can go) in honor of me. Really cute idea.

*Games I loved were trying to guess the size of the baby and the day he would be born. I did not want to do the poopie diaper guessing game with candy bars. YUCK! Also, no measuring the belly for me. I knew I was huge and didn't need to be reminded!

*Both my cakes were designed to go with the invites. So cute.

*Taking booties and joining them with a diaper pin as a corsage for the mother. I still have mine hanging in Aidan's nursery.

One of my girlfriends needs to get pregnant soon so I can throw her shower. These are some of the pictures I have stolen from the Internet (The to get ideas for a shower. I would love to rent a big white tent for the backyard and do it there. Since, I have gotten so accustomed to doing things for a are some of the pictures I found for a shower given for someone having one.

Isn't this the cutest cake/cupcake tower?
Love these tea light chandeliers to hang from a tent.
Hydrangeas duh!
Love this invitation
The whole turquoise theme.

I couldn't leave without showing you pics of two diaper cakes I made for friends recently. They were my first ones but they turned out so cute.

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