Monday, August 24, 2009

It's OK

So, it turns out Aidan will not be going to pre school tomorrow. Apparently the teachers decided there was a conflict with kids going back to school so it would be best to start on Thursday. It ended up working out perfectly for us because Aidan is still recovering from his little cold and I was starting to think sending him tomorrow wasn't the best idea anyways. It's OK. Which brings me to what I really want to say in this post.

It's OK that I am sad Aidan is starting pre school. Even if it is only for 4 hours a day, 2 days a week. He will be in school from now until he goes away to college.

It's OK that I cried when I picked up his monogrammed book bag today. I waited to do it until I got in the car. His name looked so perfect. It's his first back pack and in my book, it's a milestone. The best part...he put it right on and wore it with pride.

It's OK that I have been soaking up these last days with him. Holding him tighter and kissing him longer. Begging him for more lovin'. He isn't a baby anymore and honestly (Hootie said it best) "It Won't Be Like This For Long".

It's especially OK that I love this sweet boy so much, thinking about it makes my chest feel heavy and I get goose bumps. I HONESTLY never in a million years thought it would be possible to love anything like this.

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