Monday, July 13, 2009


I would just like to say first that I ate ENTIRELY too much tonight and I feel terrible. On a better note, Adam worked at the restaurant early today so he was home tonight. It was WONDERFUL. We cleaned our cars out together (the things you will do to spend time with your spouse), had a sit down family meal at the dinner table (this never happens) gave Aidan a bath together, spent some time talking about the small remodel we are getting ready to do (just taking out some walls between dining/living areas) picked out new paint colors for a few rooms and made an appointment to get the sectional reupholstered for our new living room (reveal to come in a few weeks). So, it was a very productive evening. It was like the good ole days when we got to see him at night more than once a week! I seriously miss him so much these days my stomach hurts. He couldn't believe how fussy and cranky Aidan was today. I explained to him that this is kind of how he is right now and we're working on it. He replied with a huge kiss and a thank you. He apparently gets how hard my days are with a two year old in his Terrible Twos PRIME! Right now, I am blogging and he is repairing a scratch on our TV cabinet. It is so nice to just have him here. In a few minutes, I'll make him come to bed (while I am still awake) and cuddle. Ughhhh I love this man....(and the little one too).

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for sharing. There is something new to look forward to on Wednesday's, its, "What would your children say?" Wednesday. Join us in the fun.
