Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Neverending List

This is just the start of my list of things I have to pack for Aidan. This time tomorrow night we will be at the beach and I haven't even started packing...
-3 pairs of pajamas
-3 bathing suits
-3 onesies
-4 pairs of shorts
-4 shirts/2 polo/2 tee
-1 Bib
-Fish Towel
-Water shoes
-Brown sandals
-Beach toys
-Childrens First Aid Kit/thermometer/tylenol etc.
-3 Sippy Cups
-2 Binky's
-3 Blankies
-Pack n Play
-Jogging Stroller
-Beach Chair
I mean really? That's just his list. Adam's will be so much worse! Haha. But it is all worth this...

A Happy Relaxed Hubby...

A view of this...

From this... While smiling ear to ear because we have been dying to see this...

Have a great weekend EVERYONE! See you when we get back!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am one jealous lady... Not of the packing, but the beach! Have a great trip, Harveys!
