We are gearing up for a beach trip to Charleston the last week of the month, so Adam had yesterday AND TODAY off (because then he has to work 10 days straight until we leave). So yesterday my brother took us and some of my girlfriends out on his boat. It was such a nice day! Bobby is a great host. I stopped by Subway and picked up some subs for the crew and we headed out. We spent sometime in a cove just sunning and swimming and then spent the second half of the day at the Sandbar. Which is always nice because you are only in 4 feet of water in the middle of the lake and there is a snack bar and lots of boats tied up. Thank goodness Aidan loves the water. We just strapped him in to his life jacket and if we had let him, he probably would have just swam boat to boat checking everyone out. We even saw a family with a pet baby raccoon. Interesting right? I wish I had taken a picture.
Today we didn't have anything planned so when we got up this morning I asked Adam if he would like to take Aidan to Tweetsie Railroad. Since Aidan has kind of been in to trains lately (along with firetrucks) I thought it would be fun. We made it there in about an hour and a half and the first thing we did was take a ride on the Tweetsie Express. All was good until we stopped on the tracks half way through the ride and "Indians" high jacked our train. A guy dressed as an Indian jumped on our car (face painted and everything) and it scared my poor sweet boy to death. Adam and I felt HORRIBLE! I have never seen Aidan scared of anything!!! He was still shaking when the train ride was finished. We headed up the mountain and Adam and Aidan rode some more rides, we ate tons of junk food and $200 bucks later, it's not a place I would EVER recommend taking your kids. At $30 a ticket for adults, I don't think it is at all worth the money. I don't know how we could have entertained Aidan longer than the three hours we were there, let alone kids that knew what was going on. The food is also terrible. I really am all about doing anything to excite Aidan no matter the cost (for now since he's our only child) but I wouldn't do it again. When I think about the money we spent, we could have done something here in Charlotte a lot more fun. I wish I had pictures, but we were so excited when we got there, I left it in the car. I have one picture from the ride up in the car that I took with my cell phone. I will say though, that Aidan was soooo well behaved today. We had no tantrums at all. It was so nice. Anyways, everyone enjoy their Monday. See you next time!

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