Friday, June 5, 2009

Whatta Long Day

Just a funny little thing...

Today we are Costco. My mom, Aidan and I. As most of you Costco shoppers know, they have people at the end of aisles handing out samples. So, we come up to a stand where the woman is giving out Hebrew National hot dogs. Just moments before we were trying to figure out which hot dogs to buy for Aidan's party. So my mother proceeds to pick up a sample and say just loud enough so everyone in Costco and the parking lot can hear "If Aidan eats this hot dog, we will buy this brand". I immediately know this is not a good idea. So she gives Aidan the hot dog and he takes a bite and then almost immediately begins to spaz out and spit the hot dog out EVERYWHERE. He is spitting it on the floor, on people walking by, on the lady giving out the samples and mom and I got our fair share of hot dog spit as well. So Deb (this is what I call my mom) and I, just look at each other and laugh (as the rest of the world is standing in disgust) and she exclaims "We'll stick with the Ball Parks" thank you.

This is my life...

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