Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Please tell me that was a dream...

Well I must say, someone must have started praying for us because today was a great day with Aidan!!! We got up early and had breakfast and then headed to the pool to meet Karen and her two kids Kate (Aidan's age) and her new baby Alex. With the exception of Aidan accidentally gracing Kate's head with his bucket, he was great!!! Kate bought him a new back pack for pre school (another blog to come) and a fruit set that you can cut in half. He used to love this toy at Imaginon here in Charlotte. So, now he has his own! Thanks Kate!!! I wish I had taken some pictures but the camera was at the bottom of the pool bag and with Aidan swimming on his own now, I wanted to keep a watchful eye on him.

Aidan was so good today, I skipped my run because I was just enjoying him so much. After dinner I thought it would be nice to take him for some ice cream. Even if it meant he would be up an hour after his bedtime from the sugar intake. Who cares, he deserved it. WELL, we had been lounging around for the past hour or so and I was wearing my running shirt with no bra on. My running shirts are that breathable fabric and this one was white. So, you get the picture. I changed out of that in to a tank top. I was ready to go, Aidan and I left the house and while I was loading him in to the car, I noticed people slowing down on the street and kind of staring. I was getting paranoid that maybe some of them were checking out Adam's trailer with all his equipment on it (we've already had two blowers stolen this year). So, I debated even going to get the ice cream at all. I decided I was just going to run through the drive thru at the Chick Fil A up the street because their Ice Dream Cones are soooo good. Long story short, I am in the best mood because Aidan is so happy and we are going to get ice cream. We get to Chick Fil A, there is a guy sweeping the drive thru so I figure it won't be that bad to just go in. We get in and get our ice cream cones, Aidan is freaking out laughing and smiling about his ice cream (people at Chick Fil A are staring but I assume it's because Aidan is so cute). I accidentally catch my reflection in the door walking out and I am wearing my tank top and these....
only mine are grey. How embarrassing! I was so focused on getting a shirt on so I wouldn't get caught with a see through shirt on, I totally forgot I was wearing a pair of boy shorts and had taken my yoga pants off before we laid down in my bed. AHHH! Only me.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAH Please tell me this didn't really happen! And btw, thanks for the other post :) LOVES
