Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I've been out of the blogging world for a couple of days. Adam's parents have been in town and we have been very busy with them all weekend. We celebrated Aidan's birthday for the second time and it was really nice! They bought him the most beautiful vintage fire truck that he can drive around!! He LOVES it!!!

So, I debated doing this but I just can't help myself...

Real Housewives New Jersey Finale...Holy Shmoly!!!

The whole episode all I could say in my head was "Oh no she didn't" literally EVERYTHING.

I mean even starting out with Dina going to visit Teresa's new house. I was looking at those front doors thinking "Oh no she didn't". Holy tackiness. Not to mention I thought she was going with French Chateau theme?? Good for her nonetheless.

Seriously though, let's get on to the dinner party. I knew we were going to run in to some drama here, but REALLY..."Oh no she didn't". When Danielle laid that book on the table, I jumped out of my seat and ran around in a circle. I did not see that one coming and I especially didn't see it coming out of that small purse she was carrying when she got there? I mean what gives...where did the book even come from? I know she felt like if she didn't speak out about it, it would forever be an elephant in the room. She just didn't pick the greatest place.

Caroline blew me away fessing up to being the one who let the cat out of the bag about the book. I am just wondering why she didn't just put the BS to rest long ago and fess up??? It never appeared to me that she was covering for Dina. It did amaze me that she felt she could tell Dina what to do at their age.

Poor Jacqueline, she had the opportunity to just stay out of the whole thing but she is too sweet to let her sister in laws straight face lie to one of her friends. Her husband is my hero. He proved himself to me in a previous episode about them trying to conceive but he became my hero last night. He is obviously the peace keeper in the family and it seems that whether or not his sisters approve of her, he loves his wife and will always back her up.

I don't know if I'm buying that Teresa is as sweet as everyone says she is. She and Jacqueline seem the most down to earth to me BUT for someone to push over a table like that and start screaming...she isn't little miss innocent. I can see her being an aggressive Jersey girl. Alcohol induced of course. P.S. Personally, I would've loved to see the "bubbies" a tad bit bigger.

I will say this...all women in this series are incredible mothers. All the woman seem to be very close and very involved with their children. They are incredibly family oriented people which I love because I dream of having a big, close knit family. That is if anyone ever marries my brothers!! Ha.

I will definitely watch the uncut and reunion shows...

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