Well, we have some very exciting news...Aidan finally started crawling today. I saw finally because we have been working on this for about 2 months now. WHAT WERE WE THINKING!!! This morning he woke up, I put him on the floor and he just took off! He is in to everything! He has already fallen and hit his head on the corner of the wall...thank GOD he didn't bleed! I literally went in to panic mode and I am now wishing I had invested in stock at Babies R Us...when I realize how much "baby proofing" stuff we are going to need around here. What possesses babies to put dust, shoes and the sides of the furniture in to their mouths is beyond me, but Aidan is all about it! Adam has been working at a family friends house doing some tile work so he (fortunately for him) missed most of the craziness today. He was thrilled to come home and get on the floor with the little guy and crawl all around. I can probably stop going to the gym now that I will be chasing a speedy baby around my house day in and day out. I do have to say though, Adam and I were both touched by the milestone. Our little baby is turning in to a little boy. When I was pregnant with Aidan, everyone told me the best feeling was going to be seeing the two of them together. I can honestly say everyone was right. I have to stop and laugh at myself for being so emotional when they are crawling around the house together, both smiling from ear to ear. Adam is so proud and they truely are the best of buds. I have such blessings in my life!
Another small thing...Aidan is now in love with dogs! He was very nervous prior to now around them but our friends the Baucom's have a lovely dog Sandy, who will lay next to Aidan and let him pet her. I was shopping for plants today at a local nursery and there is a Golden Retreiver on site, that Aidan was going crazy after. He was laughing and "talking" so loud to the dog, the other people shopping were stopping to stare and comment on how sweet of a child he is. He is very full of life and it doesn't take too much to get a great smile out of him. He just lights up our lives.
As for our kitchen remodel...the floors are going down this weekend and I finally made my countertop selections today. We decided on Corian and I am very happy with our choice! I broke down and bought paper plates, plastic utensils and plastic cups so I wouldn't have to do any more dishes in the bath tub. For those of you that know me well, I do not cook (although I know someone who wishes I did, and for him I am working on it...ha) so no big pots and pans have to be cleaned. I do miss my sink. I am being very patient and looking forward to it all being complete so our little house remodel will be finished. Until the next project anyways.
My best friend Mariann is coming in town next weekend with her boyfriend Mike for our engagement party and there is so much to be done before then. I am very much looking forward to her visit. I haven't seen her since August. It doesn't sound like long, but when it's your best friend...it's eternity! She so graciously accepted my request for her to be a bridesmaid in my wedding. I cannot wait to share the big day with her.
We hope everyone is doing wonderful and is getting weather as nice as ours! Love you all...thanks for checking in.
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